
Ambassador of Malaysia to Cambodia, H.E Datuk Eldeen Husaini Mohd Hashim presented for students of Cambodia University of Management and Technology (CUMT) as part of the Ambassador Lecture Series hosted by the university.

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Ambassador of Malaysia to Cambodia, H.E Datuk Eldeen Husaini Mohd Hashim presented for students of Cambodia University of Management and Technology (CUMT) as part of the Ambassador Lecture Series hosted by the university.

This event was joined as honorable by H.E La Lay, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Cult and Religion and a member of the University Trustee Board, H.E Dr. Hosen Mohammad Farid,President of Cambodia University Management and Technology and H.E Dr. Sles Nazy, Rector of CUMT University and senior officials from the Malaysian Embassy, as well as many university academic staffs and professors.

During His welcoming speech, His Excellency Dr. Sles Nazy, Rector said that besides the university’s regular curriculum, the University also offers other training courses and workshops, seminars and today also organized a new program, The Ambassador Lecture series in which we intend to invite ambassadors of other countries in Cambodia in order to share knowledge and experience to all students on the various topics.
CUMT is honored to start the program in the presence of the speaker of the Malaysian Ambassador to Cambodia with the topic “My education, my future: Learn To Lead” Dr.Sles Nazy added.

H.E Datuk EIdeen Husaini Mohd Hushaini has shared in the lecture sharing the experiences and knowledge of students who are studying at the University of Cambodia Management and Technology, also exchanging experiences with professors and staff. In addition, the Ambassador also expressed his appreciation to the Cambodia University management and technology who worked hard to organize this program, especially the struggle to establish this university.

Also on this occasion, H.E La Lay, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Cults and Religions and a member of the University Trustee board has encouraged all students to become excellent students and good human resources with quality for the community and nation. As the nation is now in development and peace so human resources are needed. In addition, H.E expressed his gratitude and requested to H.E Ambassador to continue his support for this program and other programs supporting CUMT University.

H.E Dr. Hosen Mohammad Farid, President of the CUMT, expressed his deep gratitude to H.E Eldeen Husaini Mohd Hushaini who shared valuable knowledge with all students and hope that the students would use the knowledge and experience gained from H.E ambassador for self-development to become a successful leader in the future
H.E also requested the ambassador to continue to share on other topics in order to strengthen the capacity of students.

CUMT University was initiated by a group of senior Cambodian Muslim intellectuals. It is the first university in Cambodia founded by Cambodian Muslim scholars and started its academic operation in February 2023.


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