Savoeun asks Muslim leaders to join drug fight

“Muslims in Cambodia have always been involved in maintaining and promoting national and religious harmony by contributing to the maintenance of lasting peace and sustainable development,” said Savoeun, who is also Chairman of the National Authority for Combatting Drugs (NACD).
“Therefore, Islamic leaders should join the Royal Government in the fight against (drugs) and for widespread education on drug issues in the Muslim community, so that drugs are no longer an obstacle to the development of society,” he said. “The criminals continue to produce, traffic, sell and use drugs locally and globally, and Cambodia continues to be affected by the drug problem.”
Savoeun made these remarks while presiding over the closing ceremony of the “31st National Recitation and 5th Memorisation of Al-Quran Al-Kareem”, which was held in Russey Keo district of Phnom Penh on Sunday.
Savoeun said that NACD has set out a number of policies to make the fight against drugs in Cambodia more effective, such as outreach and education, with the main aim of raising awareness of the destructive effects of drugs.
The NACD conducts education and outreach activities in all areas such as schools, the arts, sports and religion. In particular, all religions have programmes to educate people to do good deeds and to avoid evil ones that destroy the well-being of others and society, he said.
Savoeun said that Islam has in the past contributed to the fight against crime, with strict prohibitions both in the Quran and in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad to prevent criminal activity and encourage good and righteous deeds and the reformation of society.
He said he hoped that Muslims would join the government in raising awareness about the drug problem in their community.
The senior leadership of the Cambodian Islamic community should continue the spirit of preserving and promoting national harmony, religious unity and brotherhood among Muslims, he said.
Sos Kamrey, Chairman of the 5th Memorisation of Al-Quran Al-Kareem 2024, said that all Muslims will continue to maintain their national pride that Cambodia does not have racial or religious conflicts and will contribute to the maintenance of lasting peace and sustainable development.
Highest Council For Islamic Religious Affairs Cambodia will widely educate its followers using quotes from the Quran, the words of the Prophet Muhammad, the views of theologians and the historical experiences of Muslims in encouraging the fight against all kinds of crimes, he said.
Cr: Khmertime