
Islamic leaders call for unity against extremism at Bangkok conference

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ع / ثقافي / مؤتمر آسيان الثالث “خير أمة” يصدر بيانه الختامي بعدد من التوصيات 1446-07-26 هـ(واس) 9
RIYADH: Participants in Bangkok on Sunday at the third Khair Ummah conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations stressed Islam’s foundation in worshipping Allah and following the Prophet Muhammad’s teachings, urging Muslims to promote moderation while contributing to progress.
In a final communique of the two-day event, which was organized by the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs in Thailand, participants called on scholars to uphold Islam’s tolerant values and address misinterpretations of religious discourse.
They highlighted the importance of following the path of the Prophet’s companions, combating extremism, and rejecting groups that misused religion for personal gain, the Saudi Press Agency reported.
Participants stressed the need to leverage modern media and technology to promote Islam, counter misinformation through research, and develop programs instilling Islamic values and tolerance in young people.
ع / ثقافي / اختتام جلسات مؤتمر “خير أمة” الثالث لدول آسيان في مملكة تايلاند 1446-07-26 هـ(واس) Participants at the event, organized by the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs in Thailand, called on scholars to uphold Islam’s tolerant values and address misinterpretations of religious discourse. (SPA)

The conference focused on research papers by various scholars and aimed to strengthen communication among Islamic leaders and institutions to advance civilization.

Saudi Arabia’s Islamic Minister Sheikh Abdullatif Al-Asheikh on Saturday emphasized that the conference aimed to strengthen Islamic unity and uphold Islamic identity through solidarity and adherence to the truth.

He said that scholars had a significant responsibility in light of global challenges and the intellectual, political, social, and security issues facing the world.

Al-Asheikh added: “This situation calls for a real response from scholars and researchers to clarify the right religious stance against sedition and to reinforce the core principles of the Islamic faith.”

ع / ثقافي / اختتام جلسات مؤتمر “خير أمة” الثالث لدول آسيان في مملكة تايلاند 1446-07-26 هـ(واس)

Cr: https://www.arabnews.com


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