The first line links the two countries’ capitals, and the other is between Bangkok and Siem Reap, both via the Aranyaprathet checkpoint in Sa Kaeo province.
The service was shut down after travel was banned during the coronavirus spread in 2020.
Atthawit said the restart of the services would promote tourism in the two countries as Thailand and Cambodia have entered high season.
The two lines are jointly operated by Transport Co, which is under the Transport Ministry, and the Cambodian bus firm.
Bangkok—Phnom Penh route: Departure is at 7 a.m. (Bangkok and Phnom Penh), the Fare is 900 baht, and the duration is 11 hours.
Bangkok – Siem Reap route: Departure: 8am, 9am (Bangkok and Siem Reap), Fare: 750 baht and duration: 7 hours. Bangkok Post
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