
Three newly built dams officially inaugurated in Mondulkiri province

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Three newly-built dams – O’ Te Thipadei, Sen Sokhadom and Sen Monorom – in the north-eastern province of Mondulkiri were inaugurated today morning under the presidency of Prime Minister Hun Manet.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr Hun Manet emphasised the importance of O’ Te Thipadei dam located O’ Reang district, and Sen Sokhadom and Sen Monorom dams in Sen Monorom city, Mondulkiri province in supplying water resources to the province, attracting more tourists, and reducing risks of natural disasters such as flood and drought.

The Premier said that the road connectivity and water sources are a priority of the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) and reaffirmed the RGC’s commitment to ensure sufficient water supply for the people use and irrigation.

According to Thor Chetha, Minister of Water Resources and Meteorology, the three dams are part of the multi-sectoral water resource development project in Mondulkiri province. The dam construction started in October 2021 and was completed in January 2024, at a cost of over $62 million under the Royal Government’s support fund framework. AKP


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