
The Cambodia University of Management and Technology (CUMT) officially opened by Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Education, High Representative of the Prime Minister Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet after two year- temporary opening

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The Cambodia University of Management and Technology (CUMT) which is well known as the first University in Cambodia established by Cambodian Muslim scholars from both domestically and abroad, on the morning of October 21, 2024 was officially opened under the presidency of His Excellency Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, High Representative of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet, Prime Minister of Cambodia. The ceremony was also attended by many honorable guests from senate, government, NGOs and academicians and representatives from Universities and Intuitions from different countries.

H.E Dr. Mohammad Farid Hosen, President of the Board of  Trustee of the Cambodia University of Management and Technology said in his welcome and report address, citing that in order to contribute to the development of education sector in Cambodia and seeing the importance and needs of many Cambodian Muslim students who have graduated from high school and the inability to peruse their  higher education at universities ,thus  Cambodian-Muslim scholars at both domestically and abroad, as well as Muslim leaders has united and initiated the establishment of a university since 2014. We had faced many challenges to establish it but finally our dream come in reality, the University has been established with the permission from  The Royal Government of Cambodia  in 2022 and with financial support from Saudi Arabia and partner institutions of other universities starting by the enrollment with 270 students , I would like to express the heartfelt and sincere appreciation for all our good will donors from Malaysia , Singapore ,Maldives and especially from Sheikh Saleh Bin Abdul Aziz Alrajhi Endowment through King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center , H.E Dr. Farid said.

He added that seeing many Cambodian-Muslim students have gone on to study higher education in Islamic fields abroad, such as Thailand Malaysia, Indonesia and some Arab countries, His Excellency the President of CUMT has requested His Excellency the Minister of Education to open more faculties especially the faculty of  Islamic education to provide opportunities for Cambodian Muslim students to study Islamic education in Cambodia to reduce the costs of Cambodian students as they need to study abroad .

Mr. Abdullah Raad S. Alshumrukh , Representative of H.E Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Cambodia has addressed that In view of the positive growth and progress of bilateral relations between the Saudi Arabia and Cambodia  and the commitment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to open its embassy in the Kingdom of Cambodia soon, and in view of its efforts to strengthen relations with the Kingdom of Cambodia in all fields, including education, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has provided scholarships to hundreds of Cambodian students and also arranged for their families to help support their academic life in our country. In addition, the Sheikh Saleh Al-Rajhi Endowments Scholarship Fund has also provided scholarships for the Cambodia University of Management and Technology for the academic year 2024-2025.

The support from the Sheikh Saleh Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Rajhi Endowments Foundation, through the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center , to establish the Cambodia University of Management and Technology reflects the great interest of the Royal Government and people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in promoting the education sector on the international stage, as well as strengthening friendly relations and good cooperation with the Kingdom of Cambodia through supporting an educational institution that will serve as a cultural bridge between the two countries and peoples.

His Excellency Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, on behalf of the Prime Minister of Royal Government of Cambodia, joined in congratulating and appreciating the progress and continuous development of the Cambodia University of Management and Technology(CUMT) by conducting training in accordance with the curriculum both national and Islamic programs to meet the needs of Cambodian Muslim students who have completed high school but have not been able to continue their studies at the university.  The Deputy Prime Minister also expressed his appreciation to donors especially the Alrajhi Endowment for supporting the University. He also called on all donors to continues to Support the University. Regarding to the request to open new faculties and majors, he had asked the University to submit in according to the regulations for the experts to review and consideration.


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