
The Cambodia University of Management and Technology (CUMT) has officially inaugurated the event, which was presided over by His Excellency the Minister of Education, High Representative of the Prime Minister Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet.

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The Cambodia University of Management and Technology (CUMT) the first university in Cambodia, was established by Cambodian Muslim scholars at both domestically and abroad on the morning of October 21, 2024 at the Oversea Cambodia Investment Corporation (OCIC). To be officially launched under the presidency of His Excellency Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, High Representative of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet, Prime Minister of Cambodia.

The event was also attended by His Excellency Mohammad Ismael Das Lavi, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Cambodia, His Excellency Dr. Hoseen Mohammad Farit, Chairman of the University Board, Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs, National and international Honorary Guests, Teachers, and a lot of students.

His Excellency Dr. Hoseen Mohammad Farit, Chairman of the Board of the Cambodia University of Management and Technology, said that in order to contribute to the promotion of education in Cambodia and seeing the importance and needs of many Cambodian Muslim students who have graduated from high school. However, the inability to continue their studies at universities has prompted Cambodian-Muslim scholars at both domestically and abroad, as well as Islamic leaders, to initiate the establishment of a university with financial support from the Al-Wajihi Al-Qaeda Foundation in Saudi Arabia and partner institutions of other universities in Malaysia.

At the same time, seeing that many Cambodian-Muslim students have gone on to study higher education in Islamic fields abroad, such as Thailand Malaysia, Indonesia and some Arab countries, His Excellency the Chairman of the Board requested His Excellency the Minister of Education to open colleges. Learn about Islamic education to provide opportunities for Cambodian Muslim students to study Islamic education in Cambodia to reduce the costs of Cambodian students.

Separately, His Excellency Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, on behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia, joined in congratulating and appreciating the progress and continuous development of the Cambodia University of Management and Technology by conducting training in accordance with the curriculum. National and Islamic programs to meet the needs of Cambodian Muslim students who have completed high school but have not been able to continue their studies at the university with financial support from the Wajihi Foundation (Saudi Arabia) and partner institutions of other universities in Malaysia.

In order to continue to improve the quality of education, His Excellency Dr. Deputy Prime Minister provided some recommendations for the University, including:
(1) Continue to improve the quality of training, taking into account the development of the capacity of professors on a regular basis, especially to create opportunities for further research.
(2). Strive to improve the infrastructure, clean environment, especially to be equipped with appropriate facilities for learning and teaching, equipped with modern technology and sufficient documents for study, learning and research.
(3). Learn about adding some skills that meet the real needs in the digital age context. For applications for the establishment of new departments, new specialties and associate degrees in accordance with the needs of the job market and Cambodian Muslim students in Cambodia, please apply and continue to cooperate with the Department of Higher Education Management of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to complete the form and obtain permission. .
(4). Liaise between universities and general education institutions on Stem work and communication nursery so that students understand the importance of higher education.
(5). Link training to business work, team building or new generation business training.

Once again, His Excellency the Deputy Prime Minister thanked all the donors and stakeholders, especially Al-Wajihi Al-Qaeda Foundation of Saudi Arabia, for supporting the students’ studies as well as congratulating the leadership. All academic staff, teachers who have contributed to the construction and development of the Cambodia University of Management and Technology to get proud results today, especially the development of higher education in Cambodia and have contributed to the development of human resources. Respond to Cambodia’s vision for 2030 and 2050.


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