A total of 12,055 government officials, local authorities, citizens, and students took part in the national road cleaning activity in communes and districts along National Roads No. 3, No. 4, No. 41, and No. 51 to improve cleanliness and aesthetics, free of garbage and plastic bags on national roads set for 2025.
Khvay Atiya, Undersecretary of State and Spokesperson of the Ministry of Environment, stated that the Ministry, in collaboration with local authorities at all levels and citizens, has gradually implemented national road cleaning activities in communes and Sangkats along national roads. As of November 28, 2024, 81 communes and Sangkats out of 119 communes and Sangkats (68.1%) have taken part in national road cleaning efforts, cleaning 254 km of the total road length of 636 km (39.8%) and collected 28,732 kg of plastic waste.
The spokesperson for the Ministry of Environment said that in response to the “Environmental Sector Chakra Strategy,” environmental sanitation activities have eliminated 216 slum garbage dumps and cleaned up the area.
The Ministry of Environment launched a national road cleaning action plan in communes and districts along National Roads No. 3, No. 4, No. 41, and No. 51 in October 2024 with the aim of making the targeted cities, districts, and national roads clean, free from garbage and plastic waste, and anarchy, by achieving the goal of transforming this activity or campaign into a self-implementing movement and continuing it into a culture and good habits of citizens in maintaining cleanliness.
This action plan is an important driver to promote changes in behaviour and participation of citizens and stakeholders in improving territorial cleanliness to achieve the Royal Government’s goals of maintaining the well-being of citizens, conserving biodiversity, and sustainable development.
Cr: Khmertimekh
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