Tboung Khmum Province: His Excellency Dr. Sles Nazy, Advisor to the Ministry of Information and Founder of the Cambodian Muslim Media Center, said that donating for Ramadan Food Packages is an inspiration of unity and love among fellow believers. This statement was made on the occasion when His Excellency, the donor’s representative, was invited to participate in Ramadan Food Packages Distribution Program for 300 Muslim Cambodian families in two villages: Sampeu and Andong Chambok, Seda commune, Tambe district, Tboung Khmum province. The program was also attended by the commune chief, local authorities, Muslim teachers, Hakim and villagers on February 28, 2025.
His Excellency Dr. Sles Nazy also said that theses Ramadan food packages were funded by the Zakat Foundation of America, which were donated directly from Muslim brothers and sisters in the United States to be distributed to our Muslims in Cambodia through the Cambodian Muslim Media Center. His Excellency believes that these Ramadan food packages will help reduce the expenses of beneficiaries in this holy month of Ramadan. His Excellency added, this program were carried out well because of the good cooperation of all authorities and the villagers, while the government has granted freedom of worship, belief, and the right to receive gifts. Finally, His Excellency Dr. Sles Nazy thanked and wished all donors, including authorities and villagers get the happiness and prosperity, especially all good deeds and wishes will be accepted by Allah in this holy month of Ramadan.
At that time, Mr. Mom Sitha, the chief of Seda commune, representing villagers, also expressed his deep appreciation and gratitude to the leaders and the team of the Cambodia Muslim Media Center for selecting his villages to distribute Ramadan food packages. He hoped that the organization will continue to help the community as much as possible and wishes all donors and team works to get the benefits of this Ramadan.
It is remark that the Cambodia Muslim Media Center always receives funding to purchase Ramadan food packages every year from the Zakat Foundation Of America for distributing to Muslim people in Cambodia. In particular, in 2025, the Zakat Foundation Of America, not only approved big Ramadan food packages, but also added iftar meals for 4,000 people, with a total budget of more than $30,000.
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