
Cambodia to broaden cooperation with Malaysia and Germany

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Dr. Hun Manet, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, held here at the Peace Palace yesterday separate talks with Shaharuddin Onn, Ambassador of Malaysia, and Stefan Messerer, Ambassador of Germany to Cambodia.

In their meeting, both the premier and the Malaysian ambassador lauded the progress of diplomatic relations and cooperation between the two countries, and discussed the strengthening and expansion of cooperation in several key areas, including politics, security and defence, economy, tourism, education and vocational training, and people-to-people connectivity.

The discussion also touched on the promotion of cooperation on the establishment of a halal food industry park to boost the halal development in Cambodia to supply domestic and international markets.

For the meeting with German Ambassador Stefan Messerer, the Cambodian Premier welcomed the establishment of a German Honorary Consulate in Siem Reap province to ease people-to-people connectivity, boost tourism between the two countries, and facilitate trade and investment.
Stefan Messerer reaffirmed the German government’s continued support to Cambodia’s growth and development in line with the Royal Government of Cambodia’s Pentagonal Strategy-Phase I.

Both the Prime Minister and Ambassador also discussed cooperation in a number of areas, including the signing of a memorandum of understanding on the conservation of Khmer ancient temples, especially Angkor Wat, and the cooperation on mine clearance in Cambodia. AKP


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