
Cambodia privileged to host 39th WAGGGS Conference in 2026

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A delegation led by Pich Chanmony, General Commissioner of the Girl Guides Association of Cambodia (GGAC) and wife of soon-to-be  Prime Minister Hun Manet, has successfully won the great privilege of hosting the 39th World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts Conference (39th WAGGGS Conference) in 2026.

The selection of Cambodia took place during the 38th WAGGGS Conference held last Wednesday through yesterday in the Republic of Cyprus, said the GGAC in
an announcement released on Monday night.

On Facebook yesterday, Chanmony expressed her great joy and pride over Cambodia’s selection to host the 39th WAGGGS Conference in 2026, which will be held in Siem Reap province, where the delegates can also enjoy the wonders of Angkorian culture.

She noted that hosting the WAGGGS conference represents a great historical achievement that reflects the noblest leadership vision for the GGAC since Cambodia became a member until today.

Chanmony wanted to thank Her Majesty Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk for her contribution as the honorary president of the Girl Guides Association of Cambodia. She praised the Queen Mother for leading the association and helping win brilliant results for the Kingdom.

She added that Cambodia’s selection to host the conference shows the present state of stability and peace in Cambodia along with Cambodia’s prestige on the international stage.

“Sincerely, I want to thank all those who have inspired the spirit of support in all forms for the Girl Guides Association of Cambodia, which has helped us win selection to host the WAGGGS Conference in 2026. …we have a complete victory,” Chanmony wrote.

She also committed herself to leading the GGAC in line with a clear vision to help Cambodian girls and women become morally responsible and virtuous members of society.

Mr. Hun Manet, Prime Minister-designate, on Monday night, expressed his appreciation on Facebook to the working group of the Girl Guides Association of Cambodia for their hard work and dedication to achieve such brilliant results for Cambodia on the international stage.

“Finally, Cambodia made it,” he wrote on his social media account. He also thanked all Cambodians who helped support the GGAC candidacy for conference host.

The WAGGGS world conference takes place once every three years. Only full members of the organization may host the world conference.

The world conference determines the policy and standards of girl guiding and girl scouting and also establishes a planning strategy.

The world conference offers delegates a chance to exchange ideas and experiences to better understand issues affecting their membership around the world.

Finally, the world conference showcases their good works to the public around the world.

WAGGGS members come from 169 countries worldwide.

Pich Chanmony, General Commissioner of the Girl Guides Association of Cambodia, (C) announced that Cambodia will host the 39th WAGGGS Conference in 2026. Girl Guides Association of Cambodia

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